How to book a resource

How do I book resources superfast?

Written by Mads Jordansen
Updated over a week ago

We reccomend that you set up your schedule so the process goes superfast.

Step 1: Open the Stepifi App and clik on the +-icon buttom center.

• Here you may choose to book one person or several
• You may book on others behalf
• You can book one day or several days
• You may set the reson for your booking

When you have filled in all the everything the next-button will appear.

Step 2: Now you need to give the information of what the resource are to do when working. If you have entered your schedule it will pop up automatically here. If now you need to set the info manually.
You can edit your schedule here if you need to, this will not change your default schedule it will only edit it for this request.

Step 3: Now its time to give the resource the added info he/she needs to complete the job. You may add a simple comment in the comment field or you could upload a document to the request.
The document will only be visible for user who have been choosen to work this spesifiq request. 

You may choose to save this request and not send it - for now. If so click Sace & Close.
If you are ready to book your resources clik on the Save & book button.

Steg 5: You may now choose who you want to send this request to. Internal users or to your digital supply pool. All users you send to will get a push notification on their device.

Resources will now answer your request. You can follow the process inside of the request you created.

Stegp 6: When the resource you want have said yes simply choose him/her by clicking the: Select-button. 

The resource is now chosen, you may initate chat, upload (more) documents or edit the comments. If you need to delete the request, make sure you give the resource a heads up before you delete the request by clicking the: Cancel booking-button. 

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